Sunday, May 17, 2009

Soulless Children's Purchase of Father's Blue Resound Homeward

                 When the Green of the Earth was swept with the Sky

                   The girls in Jurez trampled to Earth, a foot upon, face down; some buried still alive in pleas to grave, of virgin eyes, begging forgiveness, and shame to Grace. Though faults not hers and sweat mixed with blood, a mixture fertile, brief dying seed; forced. " Papa!'
                   The glimmering remembrance, like leaves with wind in, to and fro catching the sun, of laughters felt, hugs and kisses, ' Mamma!, ey ' Unde es Papa?' Felt slowing, somehow.
                   Fantasies of mirrors and candles, The Lord's Prayer and unspoken Rose; her single sheet left, a room of cardboard walls where rain was kept...sometime, away. A husband never to know, secrets left within the walls that listened but never spoke. Lingering dares of wanton touch, though never! Left in broken thought; a promise...lie in silent whispers, now covering, a covering of growing weight. A memory, felt brief. Then dull resounding, soon too, in diminished, the stop.
                    A beautiful light, as if babies breath; bright. A loving warmth embraced her sudden.

What is the Persistence of Duration given Thought Bright

                   A Note of Importance: When you take on a cause defending children, you will come across unspeakable evils and actions of people and of mind sets in ideals, that are foreign. If you are sane and wish to partake in a sane world. Be warned that much of what you can not see and of the faces in mask, the unseen evils in transparency, are not always masked; that ugly smile. Don't be fooled to think your writing alone at the computer, your probably not. I was almost fooled, until I started to reread what I had written. The computers of the world are but of ' one, ' if you let that be YOUR REALITY. Don't let them, and the people and ' monsters ' behind them. BRIGHT EYES IN WHITE LIGHT, a blog, was deleted, as one writing was stolen ( ? ); in reexamination, I corrected the illusions and offer them here.                                                                                                                              

                   What is the Persistence of Duration given Thought Bright?
                   To Think, an act of Arrogance or Innocence?                                                                  

                   We all have the appearance of female in the beginning. Some of process learned, some of process put upon. Other's of the organism's need for the whole. Our survival as Human Beings, a description of species Homo Sapiens by a definition driven of but one title, the male. Human Beings, or ' People,' depend on the intellect of the male of the species but more so on the ' intellect ' of those who remained female out of a greater need of the process of the species in what we are taught is time, in order to project Order within our ( the organism's ) space; extinction or life itself. No one sex holds the key alone, except extinction.
                   Understand your mind. Well. It is yours to keep; to use. If you choose. Travel well, travel in goodness. God gave you this. God is God. God is of God. God is all to God. God is all. God is neither male or female, nor is God only of the feminine mind. 
                   God is taught to be Beginning and End, because that is all we know, as we are taught; that is all we see, therefore, all that we know.
                   God is neither male or female. God is not a mimic, although historians argue. God exceeds all understandings of expectations within all languages known, forgotten and all those that are yet to be created or ' found,' no matter the maker, in all that is yet to be understood within any given point or upon any determined fractal, no matter the immediate or distant observer.
                    God exceeds the Mind. To the Mind, exceeded is God. There are no Minds within God, but petty impulses we call thoughts. God exceeds the Mind as a whole or singular in all universes, even if in multiplicities of ' ever;' multitudes of infinity. Or as thought ( s; 's ), there of. God gave of God ( woman is not exempt in the ages ), so that ' we ' may know the difference; within Homo Sapiens. This is because GOD exceeds ALL prepositions of understanding exceeding predetermined expectations of GOD, begs a question. I answer in return. All undetermined in thought ( s; 's ), throughout all language's in ' ever,' to yet be defined before impulse ( es ). Thank You.
                     Thus, one definition of ' word.' All we have truly ever done is to mirror our thoughts and some actions. Yet, we still try to understand beyond our limitation's as individuals, as a whole people, ' Homo Sapiens,' for a better understanding and acceptance in that which is, all that we hardly fathom, or can see, thus far. Double Helix. and, Thank GOD, the arrogance and deceit therein, as an extinction in arrogance and indifference. Or is it ? Be warned.